Emergency Call 02-33669119

Effective on the August 4th, 2011, upon approval by the Dean of Student Affairs


1.    This guideline had been set with the aim to establish an information platform for our department’s publications, so that each publication can be fully utilized to achieve the purpose of resource sharing.

2.    The publications mentioned in this guideline refer to the various issued publications within the scope of business produced and distributed by the various divisions of this department, in such forms as books, DVD, electronic publications and so on.

3.    Newly produced and issued publications done by the various divisions of the Department shall fill in and submit a completion list form within 2 weeks after the completion of the production. Five copies of the publication shall be sent to the Office of Student Affairs for filing.

4.    If the issued publications are electronic periodical publications, once accumulated to a certain amount (with a total cumulative period not exceeding six months), the issuer shall collectively burn them into a disc and send it to the Office of Student Affairs for filing.

5.    The Office of Student Affairs will compile the publications completion list from the various divisions and produce a catalogue file. These will be uploaded to the Office of Student Affairs web page to provide information about the various divisions of the Department.

6.    Apart from controlling the publications, in the case where other departments request the publications due to business needs, the relevant divisions of the Department shall provide assistance.

7.    This guideline will be operative from the date of announcement upon the approval by the Dean of Student Affairs. 

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